Dust of the Saints: In this fascinating book, Sikorski tells the story of his dangerous journey through Afghanistan in 1987. A political refugee at the time, he passionately recounts his arduous 102-day trek through the war-torn country. A Kalashnikov under his arm and accompanied by Mujahedeen fighters, he witnessed air raids, bombings and battles. The book provides an excellent insight into the culture, religion and history of a country that is once again the focus of the world’s attention.
Available online at
The Polish House: An Intimate History of Poland: An intimate history of Poland told through the personal experience of restoring a house in a village plagued by invasion and disaster.
Available online at
Commie-free Zone: Extended Interview (Strefa Zdekomunizowana – Wywiad Rzeka z Radkiem Sikorskim): In this uncut interview with the Polish journalist Łukasz Warzecha, Radosław Sikorski lifts the lid on his time in four governments, explains why he left the Ministry of Defence, discusses his disputes with the Kaczyński brothers and reveals what really lay behind his conflict with Antoni Macierewicz.
Available online at and